
سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم

الخميس، 31 مايو 2012


Publish your site in search engines

I want to show my first Zmn Search Results for Google, what should I do?How do I set my site to receive the search engines?Many of the owners of websites and blogs will tell you what you need to do to choose keywords for your topic, and distributes a range of places in it. Yes this is true, but it is not so simple, so a random distribution of words will not come to any result of this that did not hurt your ranking.So what do I do?- The key words for your topic in the language of net called key words, you'll need to know where to put it in your article, see our topic for this, what do you see?The general heading: publish your site in search enginesTitle Small: How do I set my site to receive the search engines?Clusters close to the words of the title ... and I am targeting this Anyone looking for these words and phrases, whereupon the search engines by making the first results within this phrase because the rate is high.- Pay attention to the place of the presence of these phrases in the subject, What do you notice?Found in the headlineTitles smallIn paragraphsWhy?Because Google when looking at web pages begins with top of the page and then come down, and during travels around within the page pay attention to the titles and the beginning of paragraphs, if your order there, the topic is high ....- A third point, but the size and color of your line and tagged so that search engines understand your topic related to the importance she would give him for the rest of the threads which marks mentioned those words as well.Warnings- Beware of your topic to include a lot of keywords, it is considered as cheating the search engines / make sure not to exceed 10 to 15 percent of the subject as that in the multiplication of which type of filler hurt the quality of the content.- Do not recognize the search engines on the tables, and images (in general), and programs on the wording of the flash. Try not to be placed in the pages of your website / blog
Summary- Keywords around which your topic is called keywords.- To improve the care of your order whereabouts of these words, make it at the top, and in the content of titles, and at the beginning and end of paragraphs.- To Atserf in the use of keywords.The next lessons will be more detailed, a detailed explanation of what was mentioned in the previous lessons with practical actions

Google Adsense

                                                                                       Google AdSense definition                   
 Hokhaddma advertising for Google, which launched in 2003, which allows webmasters to display their ads on their return for a share of the value of advertising by the advertiser paid to Google. These ads with a link talking about topics that are online. For example, if you have a site about Forex, the AdSense ads will be the Aiza for Forex, and if your website is a specialist in media and fashion beauty and fashion, the ads will be of the same sex of subjects.

When your status Ashharrat Adsense within your site and the visitor clicking on this Acharrat is calculated by the price of this pressure
And add to the expense of profits, and price ranges of pressure from 0.01 cents to $ 10 or more, depending on the type of advertising which is linked to the content of the site .....

What does content Go prices????
The content of each relationship, it is more important in the equation of Adsense profits if you have a site talking about the trade and another for books Faihma you will reap a profit more???
Commerce site.
Because the ads AdSense that will show Bhasov be to sites talking about the "trade" a keyword by a lot of competition, and therefore, the advertisers of this word are paying huge sums for Edwards to publicize their positions to subscribers Badsns The Google, in turn giving the percentage of advertisers at each pressure.

غوغل ادسنس

تعريف غوغل ادسنس


هوخدمة إعلانية لجوجل والتى أطلقها في عام 2003, وفيها يسمح لأصحاب المواقع بعرض إعلاناته على مواقعهم مقابل حصة من قيمة الإعلان التى يدفعها المعلن لجوجل.تكون هذه الاعلانات ذات ارتباط بالمواضيع التي يتكلم عنها الموقع . فمثلا لو كان عندك موقع حول الفوركس فان اعلانات ادسنس سوف تكون هي ايظا عن الفوركس،و لو كان موقعك متخصصا في وسائل التجميل و الازياء و الموضة فان الاعلانات سوف تكون من نفس جنس المواضيع.

عند وضعك اشهارات ادسنس داخل موقعك وقيام الزائر بالضغط علي هذه الاشهارات يتم احتساب ثمن هذه الضغطه
وتضاف الي حساب ارباحك ، ويتراوح سعر الضغطه من 0.01 سنت الي 10 دولارات أو اكثر و ذلك حسب نوع الاعلان الذي يرتبط بمحتوي الموقع.....

ما علاقة المحتوى باسعار الضغطات؟؟؟؟
للمحتوى كل العلاقة، بل هو الاهم في معادلة ارباح ادسنس فلو كان لديك موقع يتحدث عن التجارة واخر عن الكتب فايهما سوف يجني لك ارباحا اكثر؟؟؟
موقع التجارة .
لان اعلانات ادسنس التي سوف تظهر بهاسوف تكون لمواقع تتحدث عن "التجارة" وهي كلمة مفتاحية عليها منافسة كبيرة ،و بالتالي فان المعلنين لهذه الكلمة يدفعون مبالغ طائلة لبرنامج ادوردز للدعاية لمواقعهم لدى المشتركين بادسنس وتقوم غوغل بدورها باعطاء نسبة للمعلنين عند كل ضغطة.

ماهي الكلمات الاعلى دفعا في ادسنس ل2009

(google adwords keyword )

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القيمة المشار اليها امام كل كلمة لا تعني مقدار الربح الذي سو ف يجنيه الصاحب الموقع المعلن لديه، بل يشير الى ما دفعه المعلن الى غوغل،،، ثم تقوم غوغل بعد ذلك بدفع نسبة معينة( النصف او الثلث) الى صاحب الموقع العلن لديه عند كل ضغطة.
مثلا لنفترض ان لي موقع بالانجليزية يتحدث عن عن السلفات credits وظهر عندي اعلان interest credit - $15.53
وقام احد زوار موقعي بالضغط عليه فكم سوف اجني؟؟؟؟
سوف يتراوح ربحي ما بين 4الى 7 دولار عن كل ضغطة


محركات البحث

Search engines and directories sites and evidence codes

محركات البحث وادلة المواقع و ادلة المدونات  
محركات البحث            
أدلة المواقع
أدله المدونات

كيف اتصدر قائمة البحث من خلال ادلة المواقع والمدونات؟

اشهر محركات البحث :

اضافة موقعك

أشهر أدلة المواقع العربية

www.saudilinks.com/inf/page.php?do=show&action=links سعودي لنكس''
www.arabsgate.com/links/ - دليل بوابة العرب

وأشهر هذه الادلة هي "الردادي - برامج نت- دليل بوابة العرب - سعودي لنكس''

ادلة المدونات العربية

اذا كان موقعك عبارة عن مدونة فمن اللازم اضافتها الى الادلة الاتية

غلوبال فويسس اون لاين- دليل للمدونات من جميع انحاء العالم

مدونة مجتمع تدوين في نظري أهم دليل مدونات في العالم العربي

دليل المدونات العربية

دون- دليل المدونات العربية

http://www.dwwen.com/ دليل للمواقع و المدونات العربية

دليل للمدونات الأردنية

دليل المدونات السورية

دليل المدونات العراقية

http://iraqblogcount.blogspot.com/دليل المدونات الكويتية

دليل المدونات السعودية

قائمة بأهم ادلة المدونات العالمية

Major search engines

                                                                                                            Asrr indexed

Suppose each circle is a website, and an arrow is a link from one website to another, such that a user can click on a link within, say, website F to go to website B, but not vice versa. Search engines begin by assuming that each website has an equal chance of being chosen by a user. Next, crawlers examine which websites link to which other websites and guess that websites with more incoming links contain valuable information that users want.

Search engines uses complex mathematical algorithms to guess which websites a user seeks, based in part on examination of how websites link to each other. Since website B is the recipient of numerous inbound links, B ranks highly in a web search, and will come up early in a web search. Further, since B is popular, and has an outbound link to C, C ranks highly too.

                                                                                                                                   Getting indexed                          

Search engine crawlers may look at a number of different factors when crawling the site. Not indexed every page by the search engines. Has a distance of pages from the root directory of the site also be a factor in whether or not pages get crawled. [30]
Major search engines, like Google, Yahoo and Bing, and the use of reptiles to be found on the pages of search results for my account. Pages that are linked from other search engine indexed pages do not need to submit because they are found automatically. Some search engines, Yahoo and private, working on a paid service that guarantee crawling to identify any fees or cost per click. [30] Such programs usually guarantee inclusion in the database, but does not guarantee a specific classification within the search results. [31] two of the home directories, and directory Yahoo and the Open Directory Project both require manual submission and human editorial review. [32] Google offers Google Webmaster Tools, which can be created summary XML Sitemap and submit them for free to ensure that all of the pages, if any, and pages that can not be detected by following the links automatically. [33]

Preventing crawling
The main article

To avoid undesirable content in the indexes, search, and can cost webmasters spiders not to crawl certain files or directories through the standard robots.txt file in the root directory area. In addition, a page can be explicitly excluded from a database search engine using the specific definition of the robot. When a search engine to visit a site, the robots.txt file located in the root directory is the first file crawled. Then be analyzed file robots.txt, it will cost also robots that pages can not be crawled. As the search engine crawler may keep a copy of this file temporarily, it may sometimes have no desire to crawl pages a webmaster crawl. Usually prevents pages from being crawled include certain pages such as login and the user's shopping carts content such as search results from internal searches. In March 2007, photo sites warned that they should prevent indexing of internal search results because
those pages are considered search spam. [35

Importance of the growing

Can be for a variety of means to increase the emergence of a Web page in search results. Cross linking between the pages of the site itself to provide more links to the pages of the most important may improve its image. [36] the content of writing, which include research in many cases, key phrase, so as to be suitable for a wide range of search queries that will tend to increase the traffic [36]. Update the content so as to keep the search engines crawl again in many cases can give additional weight to the site. Add relevant keywords to the metadata page on the Internet, including the title tag, description, and dead, and will tend to improve the relationship search listings site, thus increasing traffic. It can normalize the URL from the web pages can be accessed through multiple addresses, using the "canonical" tag definition [37] or through the 301 Redirect help make sure links from different versions of each link is a link page and the degree of popularity.

Black circle against a white circle
The methods can be classified as SEO in two broad categories: techniques that search engines recommend as part of good design and those techniques that search engines do not agree. Search engines attempt to minimize the impact of the latter, among them spamdexing. Industry commentators have classified these methods, and practitioners who employ them, either SEO white hat or black hat SEO. [38] White hats tend to produce results that last a long time, whereas black hats anticipate that their sites may eventually be banned either temporarily or permanently once the search engines discover what they are doing. [39]
The technique SEO white hat if he agreed with the guidelines of search engines, and involves no deception. As the search engine guidelines [27] [28] [40] is not written as a series of rules or commandments, this is important to note the difference. White hat SEO is not just to follow the guidelines, but is to ensure that the content for the search engine indexes and ranks in later in the same content as the user will see. Advice is generally summed up as a white hat to create the content for users, not for search engines, then making that content easily accessible to the spiders, rather than trying to trick the algorithm from its intended purpose. White hat SEO is in many ways similar to web development that promotes accessibility, [41] although the two are not identical.
Black hat SEO attempts to improve rankings in ways that were not approved by search engines, or involve deception. One method uses a black hat text that is hidden, either text colored similar to the background, so in the Division is not visible, or put it off the screen. Another method gives a different page depending on whether the page is requested by a visitor rights or any search engine, a technique known as blocking.
Search engines may penalize sites that you discover using black hat methods, either by reducing their rankings or eliminating their listings from their databases altogether. Can be applied to these sanctions, either automatically by the search engines algorithms, or by reviewing the site directory. One example is the removal of February 2006 Germany Pictures BMW both Rico and Germany for use of deceptive practices. [42] Both companies, however, apologized at a constant speed, in the pages of the violator, and returned to the list of Google. [43]

Marketing strategy as a

SEO is not an appropriate strategy for each site, and other Internet marketing strategies can be more effective, depending on the objectives of the operator site. [44] is not permissible for a successful Internet marketing campaign also depends on building high quality web pages to engage and persuade, and analyzes the development of programs to enable site owners to measure results, improve the rate of conversion of the site (45).

SEO may generate an adequate return on investment. However, not paid search engines for organic search traffic, and on the algorithms change, and there are no guarantees of ongoing calls. As a result of this lack of guarantees and certainty, can be businesses that rely heavily on search engine traffic to suffer substantial losses if the search engines stop sending visitors. [46] search engine algorithms can change, which affects the development site on the Internet, and may result in a serious loss of traffic. According to chief executive of Google, Eric Schmidt, in 2010, the Google Changes Algorithm more than 500 - approximately 1.5 per day [47] It is considered wise business practice for operators of the Internet to be free from dependence on search engine traffic. [48] Seomoz. ORG has been suggested that the "Search marketers, in a touch of irony, to obtain a very small share of traffic from search engines." Instead, their main sources of traffic and links from other sites. [49]

International markets
Is tuned very optimization techniques for search engines dominant in the target market. Search engine market shares vary from market to market, as well as competition. In 2003, Danny Sullivan stated that Google represented about 75% of all searches. [50] in markets outside the United States, Google's share is often larger, and Google remains the dominant search engine worldwide as of 2007. [51] As of 2006, Google was on the market share of 85-90% in Germany. [52] While there were hundreds of SEO companies in the United States at the time, there were only about five in Germany. [52] As of June 2008, and its market share to Google in the United Kingdom, and was nearly 90% according to the winner. [53] This is achieved market share in a number of countries.

As of 2009, there are only a small number of large markets where Google is not a leading search engine. In most cases, when Google does not lead in a particular market, it still lags behind a local player. The most important emerging markets where this is the case, namely China, Japan, South Korea, Russia and the Czech Republic respectively, where Baidu and Yahoo Japan, Naver, Yandex and Seznam is the leader in the market.
Have a successful search optimization for international markets require professional translation of web pages, domain name registration with the higher level in the target market, and hosting sites that provide the local IP address. Otherwise, the basic elements for improving research are essentially the same, regardless of the language. [52]

Case law

On October 17, 2002, SearchKing suit in U.S. District Court, Western District of Oklahoma, against the Google search engine. The prosecution SearchKin
g that Google tactics to prevent spamdexing constituted interference with contractual relations tort. On May 27, 2003, the Court granted the motion to dismiss the complaint Google because SearchKing "failure to state claim upon which relief may be granted." [54] [55]

In March 2006, the KinderStart lawsuit against Google on search engine rankings. Site has been removed Kinderstart is Google's index before the lawsuit and the amount of traffic to the site dropped by 70%. On March 16, 2007 rejected the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California (San Jose Division) complaint KinderStart without leave to amend, and granted in part the movement of Google for a Rule 11 sanctions against the lawyer KinderStart, and requiring him to pay part of the Google legal expenses. [56] [57]

See also:
List of search engines
Search Engine Marketing
Search engine optimization copywriting
By reference
Website Promotion

1. ^ Beel, Joran and Gipp, Bella and Wilde, Eric (2010). "Academic Search Engine Optimization (ASEO): improving the scientific literature to the world of images and Associates." Journal of Scientific Publications. P 176-190. Retrieved 4/18/2010.
2. ^ Brian Pinkerton. "Finding what people want: Experiences with the Webcrawler" (PDF). And the Second International WWW Conference Chicago, USA, October 17 to 20, 1994. Retrieved 5/7/2007.
3. ^ Danny Sullivan (June 14, 2004). "Invented the term" search engine optimization "?". Search Engine Watch. Retrieved 5/14/2007. See Google Groups pages.
4. ^ (Document No. 19970801004204) "documents from, who invented the SEO in the back of the machine and the Internet means." Internet way back machine. Of archived (Document No. 19970801004204) Original on 01/08/1997.
5. ^ Corey Doctorow (August 26, 2001). "Metacrap: put the torch to seven straw men of the meta-utopia." E LearningGuru. Archived from the original on 04.09.2007. Retrieved 8/5/2007.
6. ^ Pringle, G., Allison, L., and Dowe, D. (April 1998). "What is the long-poppy among Web pages?". Brooke. 7 Int. Conference on World Wide Web. Retrieved 8/5/2007.
7. ^ Brin, Sergey and Page, Larry (1998). "Anatomy of a large-scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine". Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on the World Wide Web. P 107-117. Retrieved 8/5/2007.
8. ^ Thompson, Bill (December 19, 2003). "Google is good for you?". BBC News. Retrieved 5/16/2007.
9. ^ Zoltan Gyongyi and Hector Garcia-Molina (2005). "Link spam alliances" (PDF). Conference of VLDB 31, Trondheim, Norway. Retrieved 5/9/2007.
10. ^ Hansell, Saul (June 3, 2007). "Google keeps tweaking the search engine." The New York Times. Retrieved 6/6/2007.
11. ^ Danny Sullivan (September 29, 2005). "The bottom line on the search ranking factors." Search Engine Watch. Retrieved 8/5/2007.
12. ^ "Search engine ranking factors V2". SEOmoz.org. April 2, 2007. Retrieved 5/14/2007.
13. ^ Christine Churchill (November 23, 2005). "Patents Search Engine understanding." Search Engine Watch. Retrieved 8/5/2007.
14 ^ "Google custom research papers Google Labs - Search Engine Watch (string)." searchenginewatch.com. Retrieved 5/9/2009.
15. ^ "Will search turned personal SEO in his ear?". www.webpronews.com. Retrieved 5/9/2009.
16. ^ "8 things you learned about Google PageRank." www.searchenginejournal.com. Retrieved 8/17/2009.
17. ^ "PageRank sculpting." Matt Katz. Retrieved 1/12/2010.
18. ^ "Google loses the" consensus "on the link shipping, blocking and sculpting PageRank". searchengineland.com. Retrieved 8/17/2009.
19. ^ "Custom search for all." Google. Retrieved 14/12/2009.
20. ^ "Real Madrid meet the link on the web of time." Code of Google.
21. ^ "Find Updates Google-quality". Code of Google.
22. ^ Laurie J. Flynn (November 11, 1996). "The relentless pursuit of Surfers." The New York Times. Retrieved 5/9/2007.
23. ^ "AIRWeb". Adversarial information retrieval on the conference, the annual Web. Retrieved 5/9/2007.
24. ^ David Kesmodel (September 22, 2005). "Get Dropped sites through search engines after an attempt to" improve "order." The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved 7/30/2008.
25. ^ Adam L. Penenberg (8 September 2005). "Confrontation in the legal fray research." Wired magazine. Retrieved 5/9/2007.
26. ^ Matt Cutts (2 February 2006). "Confirming a penalty". mattcutts.com / blog. Retrieved 5/9/2007.
27. ^ A b "Google guidelines on the design of the site." google.com. Retrieved 4/18/2007.
28. ^ A b "Guidelines for successful indexing." bing.com. Retrieved 9/7/2011.
29. ^ "Maps." google.com. Retrieved 5/4/2012.
30 ^ "to submit to search crawlers: Google, Yahoo, Ask and Microsoft Live Search." Search Engine Watch. 03/12/2007. Retrieved 5/15/2007.
31. ^ "Search Submit". searchmarketing.yahoo.com. Retrieved 5/9/2007. [Dead link]
32 ^ "to give evidence: Yahoo and Open Directory." Search Engine Watch. 03/12/2007. Retrieved 5/15/2007.
33. ^ "What is a Sitemap file and why should I have one?". google.com. Retrieved 3/19/2007.
34. ^ Zhou, J., Garcia, Molina, H. (1998). "Crawl efficiency through URL ordering". Proceedings of the Seventh Conference on the World Wide Web, Brisbane, Australia. Retrieved 5/9/2007.
35. ^ "Judith Miller newspapers! New spamming Google Times? Los Angeles Times kidnapping Cars.com?". Search Engine Land. May 8, 2007. Retrieved 5/9/2007.
36 ^ a b "SEO strategy and most importantly - ClickZ". www.clickz.com. Retrieved 4/18/2010.
37 ^ "Bing - Partnership to help solve duplicate content issues - discussion forums - Bing society." www.bing.com. Retrieved 10/30/2009.
38. ^ Andrew Goodman. "Confrontation search engine: black hats versus white hats at SES". SearchEngineWatch. Retrieved 5/9/2007.
39. ^ Jill Allen (November 16, 2004). "Black hat / white hat search engine optimization." searchengineguide.com. Retrieved 5/9/2007.
40. ^ "What is 1 SEO? Does Google recommend working with companies that offer to make my site Google-friendly?". google.com. Retrieved 4/18/2007.
41. ^ Andy Hagans (8 November 2005). "High accessibility is effective search engine optimization." A List Apart. Retrieved 5/9/2007.
42. ^ Matt Cutts (February 4, 2006). "Ramping up on the latest coordinates the international relationship." mattcutts.com / blog. Retrieved 5/9/2007.
43. ^ Matt Cutts (February 7, 2006). "Reinclusions the last." mattcutts.com / blog. Retrieved 5/9/2007.
44. ^ "What is SEO is not." blog.v7n.com. June 24, 2006. Retrieved 5/16/2007.
45. ^ Melissa Burdon (March 13, 2007). "The battle between search engine optimization and conversion: who wins?". Grok.com. Retrieved 5/9/2007.
46. ^ Andy Greenberg (April 30, 2007). "Google's condemned to hell." Forbes. Archived from the original on 05.02.2007. Retrieved 5/9/2007.
47. ^ Matt McGee (September 21, 2011). "Certificate of Schmidt reveals how Google test changes alorithm".
48. ^ Jakob Nielsen (January 9, 2006). "Search engines like leeches on the Internet." useit.com. Retrieved 5/14/2007.
49. ^ "A survey of 25 blogs in the search space comparing external metrics to visitor tracking data". seomoz.org. Retrieved 5/31/2007.
Of 50. ^ Graham, Jefferson (26/08/2003). "The search engine can." United States of America today. Retrieved 5/15/2007.
51. ^ Greg Jarboe (2007/2/22). "Stats Show Google dominate the international scene to search." Search Engine Watch. Retrieved 5/15/2007.
52. ^ A b c Mike Grehan (3
نيسان, 2006). "Search engine optimization for Europe." Up. Retrieved 5/14/2007.
53. ^ Jack Schofield (06/10/2008). "Google is approaching the UK market share of 90%." London: The Guardian. Retrieved 6/10/2008.
54. ^ "Search King, Inc. V. Google Technology,, CIV-02-1457-M" (PDF). docstoc.com. May 27, 2003. Retrieved 5/23/2008.
55. ^ Stephanie Olsen (May 30, 2003). "The judge rejected a lawsuit against Google." CNET. Retrieved 5/10/2007.
56 ^ "Technology & Marketing Law Blog: KinderStart against Google and refused to impose sanctions against KinderStart's advisor." blog.ericgoldman.org. Retrieved 6/23/2008.
57 ^ "Technology & Marketing Law Blog: More Images of a lawsuit against Google arrangement, KinderStart.com". blog.ericgoldman.org. Retrieved 06/23/2008



الأربعاء، 30 مايو 2012

Relationship with the search engines

Yahoo and Google offices

    By 1997 search engines recognized that webmasters are making efforts to rank well in search engines of their own, and that some webmasters to manipulate ranking in search results by stuffing pages with keywords that excessive or irrelevant. Modify the search engines early on, such as AltaVista and Infoseek, special algorithms to try to prevent sites from manipulating rankings. [22]
Due to the high market value of the results of targeted research, and there is potential for an adversarial relationship between search engines and service providers SEO. In 2005, an annual conference, AIRWeb, hostile information retrieval on the Internet, [23] has been established to discuss and minimize the harmful effects of aggressive content providers on the Internet.
Companies can employ aggressive techniques to get their client websites banned from the search results. In 2005, The Wall Street Journal in the company, and the strength of the movement, which allegedly used high-risk techniques and failed to disclose those risks to its customers. [24] Wired magazine reported that the same company sued blogger and SEO Aaron Wall for writing about the ban. [25] Google's Matt Cutts confirmed at a later time that Google did in fact ban Traffic Authority and some of its customers. [26]
Have reached some search engines also to the SEO industry, and are frequent sponsors and guests at SEO conferences, chats, and seminars. Major search engines provide information and guidelines to help improve the site. [27] [28] Google Maps has a program to help webmasters find out if the search is having any problems indexing their website, and also provides data on the traffic to Google. [29] Bing tools provide a means of site owners to submit the site map and a summary of the Web, allowing users to determine the rate of crawl, and the number who have been indexing pages from their search engine.

And began to webmasters and content providers to improve the sites search engines in the mid-1990s, as the first search engines were cataloging the early Web. Initially, all sites needed to do to provide the title page, or URL, for the various engines which would send a "spider" to "crawl" that page, extract links to other pages from it, and find information on the back page to be indexed. [2] The process involves the spider search engine page is loaded and stored on a server search engine itself, where the second program, known as an indexer, extracts various information about the page, such as the words it contains and where these, as well as any weight for specific words, and all links were the page contains, which are then placed in the scheduling of crawling at a later time.

Site owners began to recognize the value of having their sites highly ranked and visible in search engine results, creating an opportunity for both white and black hat SEO practitioners hat. According to industry analyst Danny Sullivan, the phrase "search engine optimization" may have come into use in 1997. [3] The first documented use of the term search engine optimization was John Audette and his marketing company Multimedia as documented by a Web page from the site of the MMG August 1997. [4]
Early versions of search algorithms based on the site, providing information such as keyword meta tag, or index files in engines like ALIWEB. Meta tags to provide evidence of the content of each page. Using metadata to index pages was found to be less than reliable, however, because the option of the site administrator for those keywords in the meta tag is likely to be an inaccurate representation of the actual content of the site. Of the data can be inaccurate or incomplete, and inconsistent in its definition, and did not cause the pages to arrange for searches is irrelevant. [5] [unreliable source?] Web content providers also manipulated a number of attributes within the HTML source of a page in an attempt to arrange as well as in the search engines. [6]
By relying heavily on factors such as keyword density, which was under the exclusive control of the administrator of the site, search engines and suffered early in the abuse and manipulation in the order. To provide the best results to its users, and to adapt to the search engines to make sure of their results pages showed the most relevant search results, rather than unrelated pages stuffed with numerous keywords by unscrupulous webmasters to them. Since is determined by the success and popularity of the search engine through its ability to produce the most relevant results to any given search, allowing those results to be false would turn users to find other search sources. Search engines responded by developing more complex ranking algorithms, taking into account other factors that were more difficult for webmasters to manipulate. Graduate students at Stanford University, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, developed a "Backrub", which is the search engine that relies on a mathematical algorithm to a high rate of web pages. Number calculated by the algorithm, PageRank, is a function of the quantity and strength of inbound links. [7] PageRank estimates the likelihood that is reached to a specific page by a user on the Internet, which currently browsing randomly on the Internet, and follow the links from 1 page to another. In fact, this means that some links are stronger than others, as your top of the site is more likely to be reached by a random server.
Page and Brin founded Google in 1998. Images attracted a loyal following among the growing number of Internet users, who love its design is simple. [8] and considered off-page factors (such as PageRank and analysis of the hyperlink), as well as on page factors (such as the frequency of the word, and meta tags, headings, links and building site) to enable Google to avoid this kind of manipulation seen in search engines which are considered only on a page factors to their ranking. Although PageRank was more difficult in the game, webmasters had already developed tools for link building, and plans to influence the search engine Inktomi, and proven methods as applied to the classification of gaming page. Many sites focused on exchanging, buying and selling links, often on a large scale. The involvement of some of these schemes, or link farms, creating thousands of sites for the sole purpose of spamming the link. [9]
By 2004, search engines had incorporated a wide range of factors that are not disclosed in the ranking algorithms to reduce the impact of manipulation of the link. Google says it occupies ranks sites using more than 200 different signals. [10] leading search engines, Google, Bing, Yahoo, does not disclose the algorithms they use to arrange the pages. SEO service providers, such as Rand Fishkin, Barry Schwartz, Aaron Wall and Jill Allen, have studied different ways to search engine optimization, and have published their opinions in online forums and blogs. [11] [12] SEO practitioners may also study patents held by various search engines to gain insight into the algorithms. [13]
In 2005, Google began customize the search results for each user. Depending on their history of previous inspections, and Google put the results of the registration in the users. [14] In 2008, said Bruce Clay, "The ranking is dead" because of a personal search. It becomes meaningless to discuss how a website ranks, because the arrangement will be different for each potential user, and discuss each of them. [15]
In 2007, Google announced a campaign against paid links that PageRank transfer. [16] On June 15, 2009, Google revealed that it has taken measures to mitigate the effects of sculpting PageRank with nofollow attribute on links. Said Matt Cutts, a software engineer at Google, known, that the Google bot will not cure nofollowed links in the same way, in order to prevent service providers SEO using nofollow to sculpt PageRank. [17] As a result of this change of use of nofollow lead to the evaporation of PR. Engineers developed the SEO in order to avoid the above, and alternative technologies that replace it with the nofollowed obfuscated JavaScript, and thus allow the Sculpture Category. In addition to that has been proposed many solutions that include the use of Iframes, Flash and JavaScript. [18]
In December 2009, Google announced that it will be used in the history of research on the Internet for all users in order to compile search results. [19]
The Google Instant, real-time, search, in late 2010 in an attempt to make search results more timely and relevant. Historically, site administrators have spent months or years to improve Web site to increase search rankings. With the growth in the popularity of sites and social media and blogs to make changes to the engines driving algorithms to allow for the classification of new content quickly within the search results. [20]
In February 2011, Google announced the update Panda ", which penalizes sites that contain content repeated from other sites and sources. Historically have copied the content of sites from each other, and benefited in the search engine rankings by engaging in this practice, but Google's implementation of The new system, which punishes the content of sites that are not unique. [21]


Online Business Development

Directory search engine optimization (SEO

 • Provide technical advice on website development: for example, hosting, redirects, error pages, and the use of JavaScript
 • content development
 • Management of business development campaigns online
 • Keywords
 • Training SEO
 • experience in the markets and specific geographic areas
He SEO is an acronym for "search engine optimization" or "search engine optimizer." Decide to contract with SEO is a big decision that can improve your site and save time, but you can also risk damage to your site and reputation. Make sure to discuss the potential benefits, as well as for the damage that SEO is not responsible and can be done for your website. Many SEOs and other agencies and consultants provide useful services for website owners, including:
 • Review your site's content or structure
Keep in mind that Google's search results page includes organic search results and advertising are often paid (denoted by "sponsored links" and address), as well. And advertising with Google has no bearing on the existence of your site in our search results. Google does not accept money to include or classified sites in the search results we have, and it costs nothing to appear in the results of our membership. It can free up resources such as Webmaster Tools, the official Webmaster Central blog, and discuss our forum gives you a great deal of information about how to improve your site for organic search.

Before starting the search for SEO, it's a great idea to become an educated consumer and learn how search engines work. We recommend that you start here:
 • Webmaster Guidelines from Google
 • Google 101: How Google crawls, indexes, and works on the Internet.

If you are considering hiring a SEO, the earlier the better. A great time to hire is when you are considering a site redesign, or planning to launch a new site. In this way, you can SEO your make sure that the design of your website to be search engine friendly from the bottom up. However, it can be a good SEO also helps in improving the existing site.

Some useful questions to ask of SEO include:
 • Can you show me examples of your previous work and share some success stories?
 • Do you follow the webmaster guidelines of Google?
 • Do you offer any online marketing services or advice to complement your organic search?
 • What is the kind of results you expect to see, in what time frame? How do you measure your success?
 • What is your experience in my industry?
 • What is your experience in my country / city?
 • What's your experience developing international sites?
 • What are your most important SEO techniques?
 • How long have you been in business?
 • How can I expect to communicate with you? And will share with me in all the changes that you make to my site, and provide detailed information about your recommendations and the logic behind it?

While SEOs can provide valuable services to customers, we have provided some SEOs unethical industry a black eye through their overly aggressive marketing efforts and their attempts to deal with search engine results in unfair ways. Practices that may violate our guidelines result in a negative adjustment of the existence of your site in Google, or even remove your site from our index. Here are some things to consider:
 • Be wary of SEO firms and consultants on the Internet or agencies that send you e-mail from a vacuum.
 Amazingly, we get these spam emails too:

"Dear google.com,
 I visited your site and noted that you are not listed in most major search engines and directories ... "

Reserve the same skepticism for e-mail is unwanted on the search engines as you do for "burn fat at night" diet pills or requests to help transfer funds from deposed dictators.

• No one can guarantee a degree of classification No. 1 on the images.
Beware of SEOs that claim to guarantee rankings, allege a "special relationship" with Google, or advertise a "priority submit" to Google. There is no priority submit for Google. In fact, the only way to submit a site to Google directly is through our Add URL page or through the site map and you can do this yourself at no cost at all.

• Be careful if a company is secretive or will not explain clearly what you intend to do.
 Ask for explanations if something is not clear. If the SEO creates deceptive or misleading content on your behalf, such as doorway pages or "useless" domains, your site can be removed completely from the index Google. In the end, you are responsible for the actions of any companies you hire, so it's better to be sure you know exactly how they intend to "help." If the SEO has access to the FTP server, you must be prepared to explain all the changes they make to your web site.

• should not have to connect to the SEO.
Avoid SEOs that talk about the power of "free for all" links, link popularity schemes, or submitting your site to thousands of search engines. Are typically useless exercises that do not affect your ranking in the results of major search engines - at least, not in the way that you should consider are likely to be positive.

• Choose wisely.
While you consider whether to go with SEO, you may want to do some research on the industry. Google is one way to achieve this, of course. Could you also looking for a small number of cautionary tales that have appeared in the press, including this article on a SEO particularly aggressive:  While Google commented on specific companies, I've encountered firms calling themselves SEOs that follow practices that are considered outside the pale of accepted business behavior. Be careful.

• Make sure you understand where the money goes.
While Google never sells better ranking in our search results, many of the other search engines combine pay-per click or pay-for-inclusion results with results from regular web search. Some SEOs promise to rank you highly in search engines, but place you in the advertising section rather than the search results. There are some SEOs even change their bid prices in real time to create the illusion that they "control" other search engines and can place themselves in the slot of their choice. This scam does not work with Google because our advertising is clear and separate from the results of our search, but be sure to ask any SEO you're considering which fees go toward permanent inclusion and which apply toward temporary advertising.

• What are the most common abuses a website owner is likely to encounter?

One common scam is to create ranges of "shadow" that funnel users to a site by using deceptive redirects. These shadow domains often be owned by the SEO and which claims to be working on behalf of the client. However, if the relationship sours, SEO may point the domain to a different location, or even to a competitor's domain. If that happens, you may pay the client to develop a competing site owned entirely by the SEO.

There are other illegal practice is to place "doorway" pages loaded with keywords on the client's site somewhere. SEO is this will make the page more relevant for more queries. This in itself is false since individual pages are rarely relevant for a wide range of keywords. More insidious, however, is that these doorway pages often contain hidden links to the clients SEO others as well. These doorway pages drain link popularity of the site and route it to the SEO and its other clients, which may include sites with content unsavory or illegal.
• What are some other things to look for?

There are some warning signs that you may be dealing with a rogue SEO. It's far from a comprehensive list, so if you have any doubts, must trust your instincts. By all means, do not hesitate to stay away if the SEO:
 ? have the shadow domains
 ? puts links to its other clients on doorway pages
 ? offers to sell keywords in the address bar
 ? do not distinguish between actual search results and ads that appear on search results pages
 ? guarantees ranking, but only on obscure, long keyword phrases you will get anyway
 ? working with multiple aliases or falsifying WHOIS information
 ? gets traffic from "fake" search engines, spyware, or scumware
 ? areas has had removed from th