
سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم

الأربعاء، 6 يونيو 2012

Failure of publicity and the creation of websites for search engines

The 10 most common mistakes for the failure of publicity and the creation of websites for search


You should know that the search engines learn Btakinat its own, a division of the site to the thread pages contains, an account .. We must move away from the Sioux and malignant know him very well in Arabic Read the cash too ..
Secondly .. "Description" Description is also clear from the definition of a process that I hear of the site and called in English and must reflect the description is as you described something, and it must contain a description of the area of ​​your site and the content of the pages published .. For example, the location of what is the description?? (E-Marketing Commercial sites and profit from the Internet and all you need to know about Adsense ...... etc.. Keywords, are the words that visitors are looking for search engine in order to reach your site, and must also be within the pages of the site and I will give the content (eg, E-Marketing, Adsense, etc. .... and you should be aware of the extract, which between each word and the other. In order not to fall in the work of malicious Sioux Vhina ten very common mistake and is located where all the novice in the field of publicity and the creation of websites for search engines ..

1 - Address the bad: the title is the most important thing is the reputation of the site must be easy and simple and the ID and non-imitator and should be revealed to the content or the area of ​​the site, and address of the sections also applied to him the same subject while the page the most important because it is more important in the process of Commercial sites "seo" .. The search engine spiders see the address on your page first, and work, a general assessment on this topic based on that, and checking the page and make sure that the content of the page is identical to the address and then based on this classification Almlaemat, and how to be better suited. Key words .. Is the best means as explained by access to your Bmaclmat multiple should be placed is very important to tell the search engine content page with words that looking for guests, and plays an important role in the arrangement if used correctly and was putting the words your main known in the title.

2 - page file name .. It is very important, even if you are used to control the programming of vital sites like roses Press or other content management systems, which was loaded with an interpreter for the search engine, and I use the offline price every day on I will explain what I mean it.
The problem with the offline price is that it does not make sense for some people and also for search engines, and must be installed in addition to the search engine to change the page to Anchaitha to something more understanding and also include keywords in the names of these pages and that can help with SEO .. If you do not have a dynamic site contains many pages and content will turn to zero, and the content must be enabled in your own words and the title of s.

3 - You should publish the subject more than once, your site is to be unique and relevant is a vital role in the success of SEO. In many cases, many sites are only repeating the content of the site or bring content stolen from other sites and this is the most dangerous thing that can expose you to delete by Google, and this is my experience and that is a fact fail miserably in the search engine rankings .. Some type of decent and unique content and distinctive or maybe search online and find someone who can write you a truly unique content for a fee .. Do it well The content is near and distinctive, which will make people want to accept to visit your site frequently, if you included that in the index Google extra and make sure the titles and descriptions and keywords, and that the content of the dish special is the only way to pulling them out of the index additional.

4 - It is the most important thing I would advise him personally which is an important point Jaddaa are the links, having covered a few pages, we look at these links which are outside the concept of Page Process Commercial sites, and must n be for your site's content should not be linked to pages on other sites, this shortening is not considered something for search engines.
Simply the presence of keywords and the title and content of the page This is the most important part of SEO for Commercial sites, just because you've created and placed by the site content is stolen you will get automatically a decent pagerank of this page.

5 - in order to ensure the success of SEO you need to post links of your domain Bmoukk, sections and some of the important pages on the sites that offer this service and no minimum to explain a lot of Mrs. Mubarak "and ready for a full explanation of events and beginners, a powerful way to SEO.
There are many other ways to put a declaration in one of the other sites for $ Ihdha owner of the site, and there is a process to exchange links with other sites.

6 - poor links inside page. Go back to the page factors that you can work within your site. It is important to make sure that the anchor text associated with the pages within your website Pkho relevant to the target page.
Make sure that the title and words Muftaah that was added to each link. Have the greatest control over links from within your website so make sure it's relevant and linked and Title on the page is a mirror of the keywords for the page target.

7 - live links. The use of certain tools such as external examiner link well, and suggested the use of such tools as many of you to make sure that all the links on your site alive and valid, working and do not send people to pages Alakhto.
It is important to also check and make sure of the signs of your page or html, xhtml, is valid so W3 also hurt him progress to verify this. Mark the use of both of these tools available.

8 - impatience .. Search engine optimization is not important short. It is one of the ongoing improvement and refinement after hour after hour of work on your website. Production of unique content and distinctive and check it out and make sure it is accurate and the inclusion of screening and the search engines and make sure that it is listed correctly. Do not think for one second that you can be able to improve your site more than ever and do not ever think that because you are number one in the search term, it will remain indefinitely in this way. Change is always arranging and organizing classification of search engine companies and to their addition, there are other people waiting for the best place. Continued to search to get better and to learn more and do not sit and wait for others to take the place / area / spot the best, be a race, look for new content, links and maintained progress.

9 - Choosing the right words .. This proves to be a very common mistake among beginners SEO. Often people make the base for the selection in their own words why they think that it is true, but is whether this is really what people are looking for when searching for your product or service for them? Often the answer is no. It's an important step to correct keywords and make sure you have a list of words correct before any improvement pages with them. Introduction to use, Google Adwords and some other tools for paid keywords like Word Tracker (standard default keyword to find) are is vital for success in finding a key to good punches.
It is important that the concentration of your target market, and they really know what they are looking for when searching for products or services you offer. Then researches and be specific as possible, while large enough to pick up some high traffic keywords.

10 - keywords unwanted and fillers .. This is one of methods of Sioux malware detected by search engines easily and therefore are expelled and banned from the list of indexed search engine, it must put the address correctly, and the description should be as short as possible, and keywords answers also be very short and do not repeat the words they are a party to Sioux malignant, which lead to ban your site, and tried to be objective and analyze your site and focused on your pages and to set specific words from the list of keywords.
These would be examples of the second or even a third is listed in good sentences and keywords to search but you can make good sales with these terms because the specialized researcher aims to buy these materials. This is not the end all and search engine optimization mistakes, but have found these to be the major mistakes made Kanga Internet to customers and become involved. Good luck and I wish you all the best with your efforts SEO.

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